Friday 5:30 - 8:30 PM / Saturday 7:30 AM - 6:00 PM. /. Sunday 7:30 AM - 1:30 PM
This weekend is a fundamentals weekend for all professional teachers and anyone serious about alignment and making correct adjustments to other people's poses. It includes physical practice, meditation, pranayama, and a deep dive into the traditional yoga poses, with a focus on understanding alignment and correct expression of each pose. We'll be looking at everyone's poses, and making adjustments and corrections for safety and advancing steadily. We'll sample from the major styles of yoga, and learn how to adapt poses and practices for any practitioner, at every level. As a 300 hour student, you'll be learning a lot about the life of a professional teacher AND the skills you'll need to train teachers as well. If you are planning to work for Camp Utopia as a Teacher Trainer, or have any dreams of training or teaching at conferences and workshops, you'll be learning and practicing that here.
This weekend is a fundamentals weekend for all professional teachers and anyone serious about alignment and making correct adjustments to other people's poses. It includes physical practice, meditation, pranayama, and a deep dive into the traditional yoga poses, with a focus on understanding alignment and correct expression of each pose. We'll be looking at everyone's poses, and making adjustments and corrections for safety and advancing steadily. We'll sample from the major styles of yoga, and learn how to adapt poses and practices for any practitioner, at every level. As a 300 hour student, you'll be learning a lot about the life of a professional teacher AND the skills you'll need to train teachers as well. If you are planning to work for Camp Utopia as a Teacher Trainer, or have any dreams of training or teaching at conferences and workshops, you'll be learning and practicing that here.
Fri 5:30-8:30PM / Sat 7:30AM-6:00PM / Sun 7:30AM -1:30 PM
Grow Your Teaching Skills this Spring. A fun weekend for teachers and steady practitioners looking for more. We'll work on Advanced Sequencing, Presentation Skills, Alignment Check-up, Advancing Poses Safely (for yourself and your classes), Trauma Informed Teaching, Avoiding & Overcoming Burn Out, Holding Space, Meditation Mastery, and Making a Life in YogaLand. (Location TBD)
Grow Your Teaching Skills this Spring. A fun weekend for teachers and steady practitioners looking for more. We'll work on Advanced Sequencing, Presentation Skills, Alignment Check-up, Advancing Poses Safely (for yourself and your classes), Trauma Informed Teaching, Avoiding & Overcoming Burn Out, Holding Space, Meditation Mastery, and Making a Life in YogaLand. (Location TBD)
Advanced Program Course Descriptions
The Weekends
Course 1: (Friday/Sunday)
Course 2: (Saturday)
Sure, yoga's roots are found in India, but yoga's wisdom can be found in the sciences, philosophies and religions of the world, and we're going to connect some dots. From Einstein's theory of relativity to the Tao Te Ching to Zen Buddhism to the ancient Greeks to the Yoga Sutras and back around to quantum physics, everything is connected. Helen puts it all together in her usual style: way out there, and yet close in: approachable, practical, useful, playful, and inspiring, with time for
Q & A, self reflection, and meditation on the most powerful themes. Regardless of your own spiritual beliefs and practices, you'll walk away with a much bigger picture, a long list of books on your wish list, and some thoughtful, powerful practices and intriguing questions to keep you inspired and growing for months. |
What's the "right" way to do yoga? Is there a "real" yoga? Which one?
Tough questions to answer, with so few historical documents, and lots of debate. Consensus seems to be that Raja yoga (the 'royal' path) is the true yoga, and Hatha yoga is one of the preparations and pathways of Raja. So we will break down the original how-to manual for Hatha: The Hatha Yoga Pradipika. We will spend the day exploring the postures, breathing techniques, diet, rituals, mudras, bandhas, wisdom and meditations the book describes, and provide practical advice for using the book in your lives and classes. You'll go home with lots of handouts: sequences, a diet plan, 8 week program outline, descriptions of the core techniques and a list of teaching ideas. |
North Dakota, 2018 |
Texas, 2018 |
Allison Rissel will be our primary teacher for a full weekend Introduction to Ayurveda.
More details to follow. |
The Central Texas yoga market is big, advanced, and in many ways saturated. To thrive, it's essential to know your stuff, and helpful to know everyone else's stuff too. You can expect a mix of Camp U regulars and surprise guest teachers, offering alternate popular styles and practices.
More details to follow. |
The Online & Specialty Programs
Online programs will take a variety of forms, best suited to presenting the material. Many will include a combination of videos and reading material. Many will include a group discussion through forums or Facebook. Others will require live presentations, and those will be scheduled conference calls and webinars. All programs will require assignments to be completed before certification. They may be written assignments, recorded meditations, videos, instagram events, or workshops you will teach. Read the descriptions below for specifics on each program. Click here to tell Helen what you want to learn, and we will build the next course around it.
Chakras: Living in the Current - each course is worth 20 contact hours, every student must choose at least 1 of these courses.
1. enLIVEn online. This popular course gets better every year, and is an easy, effective way to give yourself a body-mind-spirit tune up, as well as provide fantastic tools and ideas for using the chakras in your life and classes. This year, the material includes a Facebook group with daily updates, weekly sequences and meditations you can download and practice at home, a complete package of readings and printed materials, inspiring MEMEs you can download and use in your programs and social media, outlines, tips and marketing strategies, and an Instagram challenge. To gain credit for this course, you must post regular weekly updates in the Facebook group, participate noticeably with regular comments or posts, complete a survey at the end of the program, and choose one assignment from the Let's Get Technical list: a blog series, a video, taking part in the instagram challenge or creating your own, a yoga camp/retreat or webinar strategy, or something you choose.
2. enVISION online. Our newest online chakra study works the downward current of your 7 energetic power centers. On the upward flow, we clear stuck energy, understand ourselves more clearly and lovingly, increase and tone our energy body, and connect with our higher self. In the downward flow, also known as the "manifesting current" we move our dreams from the heavens to earth - we get things done. This year, the material includes a Facebook group with daily updates, inspiring MEMEs, videos, readings, links, downloads, tips and tools to help you figure out what you want, and maximize the energy that gets you there. To gain credit for this course, you must post regular weekly updates in the Facebook group, participate noticeably with regular comments or posts, complete a survey at the end of the program, and choose one assignment from the Let's Get Technical list: a blog series, a video, taking part in the instagram challenge or creating your own, a yoga camp/retreat or webinar strategy, or something you choose.
What's the Let's Get Technical List? Everyone's needs and level of experience will be different. So assignments should be meaningful AND challenging - for you. If that means writing and posting blogs for every one of your projects, because you want to be a pro blogger - great. As long as it isn't something that you already do easily. We want you to choose projects that push you just enough. If you are building great sequences or working on guided meditations - great. If you are creating your own yoga series, great. Wherever YOU are, your assignments should move you forward. We want to encourage confidence and proficiency in online (technical) skills, because you can reach more and make more with online programs, but that might not be right for everyone. So we'll give you a list of options to choose from on each program, and if nothing quite fits, you will work with your mentor to create the right thing.

3. Chakras: Let's Go Deeper. Our enLIVEn and enVISION programs are always fun, helpful, and a great tune up. Some of you may want to go much deeper. So here we go. There are tons of books about the chakras on the market, but Anodea Judith is one of the leading authorities on the subject. Students who select this course will embark on a reading and discussion journey that will take 9 months (one section of the book per month, with plenty of time to explore, experience, research, and share. To complete this course, you'll choose and move forward on a project that makes sense for you. You may want to know everything about yantras or crystals; you may want to create a series of guided meditations or yoga sequences, you may want to blog about your experience, create a social media event, or write your own book about chakras. The chakras are one of the easiest, most approachable and useful tools we can give to our curious students. This course makes you feel like an expert.
Teaching Skills: More Mastery - course hours and requirements vary. You'll choose these courses with your mentor, based on your learning goals.
Yoga Nidra:
Guided Meditations:
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We are still under construction - check back later please and thanks!
Super Sequencing:
Pranayama Process:
This course is under construction.
Anatomy Addicts AnonymousMost yoga teachers want to know more about anatomy, but mostly because they feel uncomfortable with all that they don't know. At Camp U, our main programs are focused on deep understanding of the fundamentals, so teachers can know a little really well - enough to teach correctly and safely. For those teachers who are crazy about anatomy, this playful add on course will test and challenge your knowledge with word games, crossword puzzles, knowledge challenges,
This course is under construction.
The Career Teacher: Not every teacher wants it full time. If you do, you've got to understand the market and how to find your powerful, purposeful place with it. Course hours and requirements vary.
One to One Teaching:
Working With Private Clients
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Changing Habits. The Nutrition Program
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Trainer Training
One of the most satisfying things that I do is 200 hour training. I love the journey each person takes from the first weekend of nervous anticipation to the bursts of self awareness and growth each weekend, to the eager, empowered new teacher who graduates, ready to go change the world. It is fascinating and fabulous to experience. Beginning in 2018, Trainer Training will be accepting applications for 4 positions in each territory.
Yogi Writers
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