Workshops, Retreats, Advanced Training
Advanced Training for Teachers
Not all teacher training programs teach you how to teach. Did yours?
Camp Utopia nails it, but every school has its own priorities, and you are not alone feeling unready to teach when you graduate from a 200 hour teacher training program. At Camp Utopia, we focus on the most important things your students need to be safe, successful, and happy in your classes - and teach them to you in plain, practical language. You'll feel more confident, better equipped, and empowered - overnight!
Be a Better Teacher in A Weekend
weekend workshop and you'll be ready to teach by Monday. Next session: February 7 & 8, 2015 $300 Course includes 2 days of teaching skills and practice in a small group. You'll receive all the tools you need to teach great classes. You'll learn to speak clearly and powerfully, move energy, create themes, touch appropriately, and weave a smart sequence together. Snacks are provided. Every Body is Different!
All About Anatomy weekend workshop makes sense of it. Next session is tbd $300 Course includes 24 hours of hands on learning in a small group. Not just a vocabulary course on muscles and bones, at Camp Utopia, you'll learn to see what is different about each body, and understand why, and how to work with it. Using simple language and hands on practice, you'll understand how compression, orientation, proportion, muscle function, and symmetry affect our poses. You'll learn about the breath, the internal systems of the body, it's potential for healing, and how yoga helps. Snacks and light meals are provided throughout the weekend. You can take away their pain.
The Healing Power of Yoga weekend workshop makes it easy. Next session is tbd $300 Course includes 24 hours of hands on learning in a small group. Working with individual clients doesn't need to be intimidating - with an understanding of how the muscles and bones work - or don't work - together, we understand why we have pain. With simple poses your clients can do at home, we can make it stop. Learn the fundamental poses to add to your classes to make everyone more stable, balanced, safe, and successful in their practice. Snacks and light meals are provided throughout the weekend. |
Workshops & Events
Take a load off with yoga,
relaxation, and healthy eating. 8 weeks for $135 Lose 8 + pounds* Practice gentle yoga & Guided Relaxation Learn how the energy systems of the body (chakras) can be used to help you lose weight. Each week we practice gentle yoga exercises, enjoy a long and loving relaxation, discuss the chakras, the foods and themes of the week, and all the tools and techniques available to you to clear, heal, and energize your chakras. We will focus on 1 chakra per week, and in week 8, the whole chakra system. You will be encouraged to keep a food log throughout the week and to use the recommended "focus" foods each week. Exercises and activities during the workshop help you explore your eating style and make it better. Using your own patterns as a guide, you can choose where and how to make the changes required to look and feel better in your body. Everything will be explained to you in clear language that makes it easy to understand, use, and grow from the use of these powerful energy centers. $108 for all 9 weeks + materials (includes crystals, journal, handouts, snacks, and more!) * If you want and choose to. We can’t guarantee this result, but if you try, 9 pounds in 9 weeks is a reasonable, achievable goal for many people who are eating fewer calories and adding regular exercise to their routine. |
Click here to register for any of the weekend courses. And thank you!
This website, words and images are created and owned by Helen Stutchbury, Airstream Yoga copyright © 2013